Configuring Network Adapters and TCP/IP on Fedora13
Connecting Fedora13 to Windows using “Samba”
When using Fedora13, you will probably want to connect and use resources from Windows computers. To do this you will need enable Samba, a utility that makes Linux use SMB’s (Server Message Blocks) the protocol Windows uses to comunicate with other Windows computers. Most modern Linux distros have this functionality built-in, but in early editions of Fedora13 it does not. Here how to enable it:
- Log in to your Fedora13 machine
- From the Applications Menu select System Tools, then select Terminal
- In the Terminal session type: su to elevate you to super user.
- Provide to Super user password.
- From the new prompt type: yum install samba
- Allow the program to download and install. If prompted to install additional software type y, and press Enter.
- Once the installation is finished and you are returned to the command prompt, goto the System Menu, and select Administration, then select services.
- On the services console locate and enable smb. Once enabled close the services console.
- From the System menu, select Administration, then select Firewall. Provide root credentials when prompted.
- From the firewall console locate and click the check boxes for Samba, and Samba Client. Click Apply on the menu bar to enable. Close the Firewall console.
- To test the networks functionality goto Places menu and select Network.
- Right mouse click Windows Networks and select open from the context menu.
- You should see a series of computers or workgroups.
Installing XRDP Server on Linux Fedora 13
- Log in to your Linux machine.
- From the Applications menu, select “System Tools”, then select Terminal
- On the terminal screen type: “su”, then provide your root password
- Now on the command prompt type: yum install xrdp
- Allow the software to download and install. If prompted to install additional software, type “y” to proceed. Allow them software to finish downloading and install software. Leave the terminal window open.
- After the software installs go to the “System” dropdown menu and select “Administration”, then select “Services” from the submenu.
- On the services console locate and highlight the xrdp service. Click the enable button on the toolbar. Once the color changes to green exit the services console.
- From the System dropdown menu select “Administration”, then select, Firewall from the submenu.
- Click “close” on the configuration popup. Provide root password on the Authenticate Popup.
- On the left column locate and highlight “Other ports” on the Firewall console.
- Click “Add” on the right side of the Firewall console
- From the Port and Protocol dialog box, locate, highlight, and doubleclick port 3389 tcp. The click Add again, and locate, highlight, and doubleclick 3389 udp. Once added, click Apply on the menubar.then exit the Firewall console.
- Go back to the open terminal window used previously to install xrdp.
- Type reboot on the terminal window. Allow the computer to reboot.
- Log back into your computer.
- From the Applications menu select “System Tools”, then “Terminal”
- On the terminal windows type: ifconfig and press Enter. Your IP address will show for the eth0 adapter. This the number you must use to connect to the XRDP server on your linux box from your Windows workstation.
- Now go to a Windows computer and locate Remote Desktop Connection program.
- Type the IP address obtained from the Linux computer.
- Provide user credentials and viola!
I love LinuxMint
This weekend I got to try the Linux distro LinuxMint16. Normally I don’t like using Linux in general because at some point I hit a wall where I want to do something that is easy to do in Windows, and that’s when I go running back to Windows. This time however I was pleasantly surprised with LinuxMint16.
Unlike most of the other distros that conform to the OSS GPL license, LinuxMint comes with embedded drivers, codecs, and applications that let you use most of your media and documents that you already use in Windows. The only thing I ran into was Netflix not supporting Linux directly because of Silverlight. There is a third party tool however that you can use. Details are on this article link.
Otherwise I was able to hear my music, see my movies, and use nearly all my Microsoft Office documents, and Adobe PDF’s. You’ll still need Windows to run Windows Apps. In addition to having all this support, it is very light, and the full download is only 1.1G. If the developers continue this good work, I might switch. Sorry Microsoft.